Clothes have a label, they don't need to label you.

attraction body positivity clothing connection fashion Nov 07, 2022

 Everyone has the one outfit they really loved wearing because they got so many compliments on that day. An overwhelming response of love and appreciation for the effort women have gone to get that outfit all put together. 

Why do we only feel good when we receive compliments from others? 

Our moods can also depend on how we dress ourselves as well. If we are wearing comfy clothes we tend to sway towards the emotions of feeling comfy, lazy, "can't be bothered", "I just chucked this on", "it was just easier to grab this". Already pulling ourselves down for something that we have conditioned ourselves to say that it's not attractive if we just wear comfy clothes.

The symbolic look of high heels and tight fitting dresses is something we are conditioned to amplify as top bench mark look for females. It feels amazing to look all dressed up and glamorous. Ladies then complain saying "oh I have to get up extra early to do the full set" or "it's just too much of an effort to do it". 

So we can't be bothered either way. Is this just saying we aren't bothered about ourselves?

We can definitely wear whatever type of clothes we want and still feel amazing. 

I'll give you a clue, its not the clothes ladies. It's how we feel about ourselves that is attracting the right energy around us. Clothing is the piece of material that covers our body so that we can walk around without being naked. Simple. 

There is the fashion industry and art elements to expressing yourself, of course! 

However, our overall body self esteem shouldn't be depicted based on what we wear, what brands we wear and if we got a compliment for our outfit. 

If you want compliments give them out to every person you see and I can guarantee you will receive something back. You have control over the conversations you have in your mind. If you want to dress and look a certain way then don't use an excuse to being lazy. Wear whatever you want and own it because when a woman truly knows what she wants and appreciated about herself, flaws and all. Its not the clothes they are looking at its the aura you are presenting in this world and its infectious. 

You will be that lady that walks into a place and people look YOU. 

When it comes to your period cycle this can go up and down with your emotions, bloating, fatigue and all different symptoms. Dress to how you feel that will make you feel better as well. If you are in a work industry and have to wear a uniform, then make sure you reward yourself later on with those comfiest outfit and give yourself a hug to be thankful that you are able to take a break from it. 

We can also vouch for those shopping days where we know that if you were to walk into every single store and try on a pair of jeans, they would all completely fit and sit differently because each one of us is gorgeously formed in a unique way and retailers only go from an average perspective of an excel spreadsheet on what they think will sell the most. 

Ladies, you look amazing. Even right now with whatever you are wearing. You look divine. 

Would love to connect with your beautiful. 
Keep in touch 
Katelin Vincent 
You Go Girlfriend 


You deserve to feel supported.

This blog is the view of personal opinion, please be advised to seek any further medical advice and that this information should be interpreted with caution.