What is PCOS?

doctors female health hormones naturopath ovaries pcos ultrasound vulnerable Dec 15, 2022

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that many women don't realise they they have.  

This is another element that women need to be aware off. Let's just add this to the list. 

Back in the day they educated people to say that PCOS is a protective procedure for women to have to avoid pregnancy. Now we need to change that because its something not as a protective preventative, it's something we need to help balance out better because it affects our every day moods, skin, fatigue levels and also our appetite and weight. We need to function on the daily first.  

After the many blood test and procedures I had, it wasn't until I went to another doctor and went in for another reason and she mentioned 'do you know you have PCOS'. My mind was in shock. Wait! What does that mean? What's wrong with my body? She mentioned that it was on my records since 2016... umm that would have been great to have known. I said 'nope i've had no idea that I had it'. She then gave me a brief explanation with an image from google to showcase what was happening. 

It's apparently very common. 

I decided in that moment I want to get tested and make sure that everything was okay and what exactly was happening in my system because with PCOS there are different types. 

I went to get an ultrasound and had a university nurse doing the procedure (that made me a bit more anxious, lucky she had a supervisor watching her every move). I just wanted to know everything that was going on because we were measuring the PCOS and to see if I had endometriosis as well with my history of symptoms. The supervisor nurse was able to tell me at the time that there was no signs that she could see of me having endometriosis, however when she was doing the egg count it was proven that I had PCOS. It was around 24 eggs on the left side and 16 on the right. This also makes me realise why I get certain pains on one side of my body more. 

Side note: If you track you period cycle you will notice the symptomatic changes that are happening on the daily to understand whats happening. 

This made me think of also why I reacted badly coming off the pill because my hormones were like ... hello! we are ready to ignite. They also mentioned that I had androgens around my uterus lining which I need to be mindful of. Let's just add that to the concoction. 

I still felt like I needed further education because it made me think that I wasn't able to fall pregnant. I had my Bridgette Jones moment of 'why me'. 

Luckily, I had my naturopath Alison Mitchell on standby to openly discuss this with her and she said to me firstly, breathe. 

Listen to this podcast and it will give you a better understanding of whats happening. 

Follow her amazing work here

Podcast episode: A Holistic guide to PCOS 

As soon as I finished listening I thought oh wow! I can work through this and there is solutions from it. 

I then looked into social media and realised that there is heaps of support network pages helping women with PCOS. An amazing women called Dee Zibara is a women's hormone specialist and makes you feel empowered to accept that you have PCOS and know that you are able to work through with it and also fall pregnant. 

Check out her instagram

Once I also was vulnerable and opened up about it on my instagram, I had tones of girls message me saying they either had it or not. This gave me a relief and some wanted to know what was happening and were still at the peak of anxious vibes and I was able to give them the support you need. 

If you know you have it, feel free to reach out and have a chat about it because I'm an open book and love to support people during their journeys. 

Always here for you girl! 

Katelin Vincent 
Female Empowerment Coach
Founder: You Go Girlfriend & You Go Bro


You deserve to feel supported.

This blog is the view of personal opinion, please be advised to seek any further medical advice and that this information should be interpreted with caution.