What is period poverty?

female health menstrual cycle mental health pay it forward period period poverty periods vulnerable Jan 23, 2023

I would like you to take a second to think about what you have been able to purchase today. A coffee, petrol, bills, groceries, after pay or even a treat for yourself. 

Really take in the joy that it brought to you today or relief knowing that it’s all paid off. 

It’s okay to be grateful and appreciate what we have, however let’s take the next 3 minutes to reflect and realise that there are some women who are struggling and need our help. 

What is period poverty?

Did you know?

1 in 5 women experience period poverty in Australia. 

The difficult decision of putting food on the table or adhering to your hygiene needs is a daily conflict that these women have to experience. 

Period poverty is a women who struggles financially and can’t even provide for the basic needs for herself or her family.  

Period Poverty: Everything You Need to Know 

My heart breaks at the thought of thinking that women not only struggle to cope without sanitary products we use for our monthly cycles. Yet, we can go into the shops and buy the next pad or tampon knowing that we need it for our next period cycle. 

How much do we spend on period products? 

If you think about our monthly period cycle procedures and across the year we end up using a lot of sanitary products and we also do a back up plan of those ‘just in case I need more’ purchases as well. 

According to the Women's Health article

On average a women will spend $9379 on sanitary products in their lifetime.   

That is a far chunk of money honey! 

Scotland is the 1st country to have made the switch and make sanitary products FREE for all. Now that is AMAZING! 

This has also made an impact on New Zealand and South Korea has also come up with solutions to help reduce the demand of cost on sanitary products and help support period poverty.

Read more about it here.

What can we do? 

There is a fantastic social enterprise business called Hey Girls that is already doing some incredible work across the globe to help bridge this gap. 

I’ve been lucky to have met these ladies and watch them talk at the Business Chick event and their enthusiasm to helping period poverty across the globe is admirable. 

They have now brought it to AUSTRALIA! 

Check out their page and donate now.

It’s one less coffee to help someone else’s day. 

What did you think about this blog? Comment your thoughts below. 

Would love to hear from you girlfriend.

Much love,
Katelin Vincent
Female Empowerment Coach 


You deserve to feel supported.

This blog is the view of personal opinion, please be advised to seek any further medical advice and that this information should be interpreted with caution.